




Associate Professor, Head of laboratory

Department of Plant Science , Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Lab website:




Research Interests:

Light and ambient high temperature are key environmental cues regulating plant growth and development (Photomorphogenesis and Thermomorphogenesis). In the lab, we use Tomato and Arabidopsis as model plant species. We apply various approaches to unravel light as well as ambient high temperature-induced signal transduction pathways extending from receptor/thermosensors to signaling cascades and target genes and proteins that are important for metabolic homeostasis, plant shape and architecture determination.



Representative publications(*Correspondence author):


  1. Fang, F., Lin, L., Zhang, Q., Lu, M., Skvortsova, M.Y., Podolec, R., Zhang, Q., Pi, J., Zhang, C., Ulm, R., and Yin, R*. (2022). Mechanisms of UV-B light-induced photoreceptor UVR8 nuclear localization dynamics. New Phytol.

  2. Zhang, C., Wu, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, J., Li, X., Lin, L., and Yin, R*. (2022). Pivotal roles of ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 in regulation of plant development and fruit metabolism in tomato. Plant Physiol. 189, 527-540.

  3. Yang G, Zhang C, Dong H, Liu X, Guo H, Tong B, Fang F, Zhao Y, Yu Y, Liu Y, Lin L, Yin R* (2022) Activation and negative feedback regulation of SlHY5 transcription by the SlBBX20/21–SlHY5 transcription factor module in UV-B signaling. The Plant Cell. 34, 2038-2055.

  4. Lin, L., Dong, H., Yang, G., and Yin, R*. (2020). The C-terminal 17 amino acids of the photoreceptor UVR8 is involved in the fine-tuning of UV-B signaling. J Integr Plant Biol 62, 1327-1340.

  5. Lin, L., Liu, X., and Yin, R*. (2018). PIF3 Integrates Light and Low Temperature Signaling. Trends Plant Sci 23, 93-95.

  6. Yin, R. and Ulm, R. (2017) . Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 37: 42-48.

  7. Yin, R*. (2017). Cooling Down Thermomorphogenesis by UV-B Signaling. Trends Plant Sci 22, 447-449.

  8. Yin, R., Skvortsova, M.Y., Loubéry, S., and Ulm, R. (2016) . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113: E4415-E4422.

  9. Yin, R., Arongaus, A.B., Binkert, M., and Ulm, R. (2015) . The Plant Cell 27: 202-213.

  10. Yin, R*., Han, K., Heller, W., Albert, A., Dobrev, P.I., Zazimalova, E., and Schäffner, A.R*. (2014)     . New Phytol. 201: 466-475.

  11. Yin, R., Frey, M., Gierl, A., and Glawischnig, E*. (2010). Plants contain two distinct classes of functional tryptophan synthase beta proteins. Phytochemistry 71, 1667-1672.

  12. Yin, R., Messner, B., Faus-Kessler, T., Hoffmann, T., Schwab, W., Hajirezaei, M.R., von Saint Paul, V., Heller, W., and Schaffner, A.R*. (2012). Feedback inhibition of the general phenylpropanoid and flavonol biosynthetic pathways upon a compromised flavonol-3-O-glycosylation. J Exp Bot 63, 2465-2478.

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